Clubs and Activities » Clubs and Activities

Clubs and Activities

GIRLS ON THE RUN - Ms. Sobieck, Miss Allen, Mrs. Padua
Girls grades 3rd-5th
Mondays after school until November 30th
Description: Girls on the Run helps strengthen the girls' social, emotional, and physical skills to help them navigate life experiences. At practice, we complete a lesson that is tied to social emotional learning on different life experiences and then complete physical activities. Towards the end of our season, the girls complete a 5K. This year, the 5k will be with other ASD4 schools at Addison Trail High School, on Saturday November 18th.
4th and 5th Grades
Wednesdays 3:15-4:15
Description: Students work on our school yearbook.
STUDENT COUNCIL - Ms. Zatarski, Mrs. Clarke
4th and 5th Grade Officers
Meet as announced
CHOIR - Ms. Goodreid, Ms. Safakas
4th and 5th Grades
Thursdays 11:45-12:05
Description: Choir is a singing group where students pick the type of music they would like to perform and work together to create music they can be proud of.